Book design and
Inner book block file
Q: What format should my manuscript be in? I
work with Libre Office
A: We can work from any word processing package
if necessary, our preference is Microsoft Word. If
possible export your file into a doc or docx format
before emailing. Your page size, font and spacing
don’t matter as everything will be typographically
Q: I only want an eBook not print?
A: No problem, we can do that, but the advantage
of setting up in print is you will get an eBook as
well. Apart from creating a Kindle azw file we can if
preferred produce an ePub format too for other
digital publishing such as iBooks, Google Books
and Kobo
Q: How is my font chosen?
A: We’ll send you some page options from a
selection of well respected and readable book
fonts but if you have a specific choice we’ll advise
on the pros and cons before typesetting
Q: I’m not sure how to create a copyright page?
A: Check out the same on similar books but we
have templates which cover typical requirements
and will set one up for you if required.
Q: Will I see a final proof of the completed remade
book contents?
A: Of course. We’ll email you a PdF draft so you can
read it on any device and only when you’re happy
do you sign it off.
Q: I need help with editing. Do you provide an
editing service?
A: No we don’t but we can advise on effective ways
to proof and copy edit yourself or suggest
freelance editors if you want more support. When
we prepare your file our system proofing will also
pick up any glaring grammar or spelling errors
which we will correct.
Q: What is an ISBN number?
A: In short, an international unique identifier
allocated by a publisher, for barcoding your book
and mandatory for printed books. If you self-
publish you can either purchase a block from a
national agency like Neilsen or Bowker under your
chosen publishing name or, when you upload your
file, allow CreateSpace to be the publisher, as
many self-publishing authors do, and they will
allocate their own ISBN automatically for free, but
you retain your copyright
Understanding a Copyright Page
We’ve taken a typical copyright page from Notes
on Anna using one of our templates and will
explain each paragraph.
Para1: The publisher may be a trading name you
use to self-publish or another business but
copyright always rests with the author who
created the content. Only you can relinquish
your automatic copyright of anything you create
Para2: This statement, for books published in
the UK, is a standard and clear identification of
the author and her rights
Para3: A statement to demonstrate the book is
pure fiction and protect the author from
unwarrented libellous intent with a an
acknowledgement also added in of the copyright
of the external stock image used in the cover
Para4: The usual all rights reserved statement to
show that unauthorised copying is not permitted
Para5: The book format and related ISBN book
number allocated by the publisher, in this case
by Creative Gateway
Para6: A common design statement outlining the
book is typeset and printed in Minion Pro 11
point with a line spacing of 14 point and who
and where the publisher is based. The
typesetting agency and cover designer may be
added here too
Also notice how the text in copyright pages is
typically centred rather than fully justified and in
many cases is set in a font size
slightly smaller than the main book content. There
is no exact and correct way of constructing a
copyright page but this example covers what most
authors would wish to see.
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